98b Constitution Street, Leith, Edinburgh, EH6 6AW


Joanna Goddard, commercial growth strategist, is a highly respected business consultant based in the UK

7 Tips To Managing Quiet Quitting

Michael says ‘In my research and working with companies big and small around the world, I have found there are 7 rules for success, 7 keys to managing “quiet quitting” and transform that into, let’s call it: “noisy participation”!

Smart tip when costing data storage – ask Marketing!

A smart move when reviewing data storage costs in your business is to have Finance, IT and Marketing players collaborate in that discussion. Why on earth would I have IT and Marketing involved in data storage reviews I hear many of you ask? It’s because often decisions about data storage are made in isolation. Valuable … Continued

The metrics North Star approach by Slack

Did you know Slack uses a very smart ‘North Star’ approach to ensuring business growth is on track or can adapt really quickly? By reviewing their top three metrics weekly, often daily, for raising profile, customer experience and qualified interest in products or services you could too. Become your North Star Champion and review your … Continued

Who you gonna call? … Seriously, who you gonna call if this happens?…

With a 2016 remake of the 1984 Ghostbusters movie, I have a fair chance of ‘Who you gonna call?’ resonating with the majority of business decision makers So, I wanted to share a recent scenarios and ask who would you call if this happened? A recent very wet Thursday evening, somewhere between 7 and 8pm, a lot … Continued

CISO Secrets – Mastering The Art of Security Transformation with colleagues who don’t understand it

There’s a head banging CISO epidemic, and I believe I can help >_ CISO’s everywhere are increasingly banging their heads off virtual walls and as a result CISO turnover is rapidly hitting an epidemic.  In 2019 Www.govtech.com reported that 46% of IT pros who wanted to leave their jobs do so because of an absence … Continued

7 secret business meetings to schedule for success

My secret seven . . . Fruitful business development needs energy and drive but also two words that are arguably less sexy: Discipline and Consistency. These are both pivotal, particularly in successful business development for B2B relationships, and no more so than in this digital age. Nurturing your contacts so that peer acquaintances turn into game … Continued

Why sales teams are forgetting about clients and what to do about it

Clients, remember them? Do you recall a time when sales teams regularly talked on the phone, caught up at industry events, even organised one to one, face-to-face meetings? In an age when jargon is so overused it makes David Brent seem witty, talk about data, social media and automated e-marketing is deemed the solution, it’s … Continued

Are you missing a trick? 3 frequently missed aspects of digital strategy in professional services

I work with businesses and individuals to establish or develop their niche and identify smart, time and cost effective routes to market to increase revenue. It’s the kind of objective and practical support that I enjoy giving and more importantly it really gets results. A robust and creative digital marketing strategy is often a central … Continued

Should you renew that membership? 5 top tips to help you decide

Businesses often join member organisations of all kinds, from chambers of commerce to networking clubs. But is it always worth it? When renewal time appears ‘is the membership value worth it?’ is a question I often get asked. Usually promoted by one enthusiastic individual or to make a valued client or referrer happy at one … Continued